
Hovercraftdoggy.com was named after an image that makes us smile and think positive. It is what we call “hovercraftdoggies” [ = little dogs that walk like they are floating on air ].

We are two aspiring architects, an Athenian and a Berliner who found each other in the Netherlands and are now living in London, where we are pursuing our passion for all things beautiful. …this is where we would like to collect and share the many things we see and find every day, from art and architecture, fashion and furniture to designs and destinations, photography and funny things… tom & kat

Photograph; Dynamism of A Dog on a Leash (1912) Giacomo Balla


608 thoughts on “about

  1. …this is where I would like to follow you, get to know you, admire you, feel close to you now that you’re away…thanks….


  2. Thanks for the follow! I stopped by your blog to see what you are all about and I had to laugh out loud when I saw your drawing above. I have a dachshund named William and that is exactly what he looks like when he is walking.

  3. From the sunny Bahamas I say thanks for the “like” on my post “It’s not okay”…….I love the contemporary, eccentric, twist on your work…….all the best as you explore the world of architecture and pursue your passion for all things beautiful…….Kim

  4. Hi, tom kat. I really appreciate the ‘like’ on my ‘fence post’ titled Drive-by: Fabulous Fencing. I took a quick look around your blog and I must say they are off the hook! Our dogs don’t hover the ground but they do practice the same trait in a vulture! I shall return!

  5. Love the travel pack for the beer! Tom-Kat-thanks for signing up to follow my blog! I hope that I will entertain you with the variety of posts that I do!

  6. You’ve left me floating on air, too! :)

    Best wishes on your blog and your collaboration; I look forward to seeing your work grow together. I did want to thank you for follow me northward and say it is very much appreciated. See you again soon!

  7. Thank you for following my blog – the bonus is that I’ve now found yours… thank you once again for your interest!

  8. Thank you for following my blog – and this way guiding me to yours! I love your selection of great stuff and will definitely spend some time checking out more of what you do!

  9. Hi! Thanks for stoppingby my blog. I’ve been exploring yours and must say I’m very impressed – I love your photos, and the clever way they tie into post titles! keep up the good work!

  10. Ha ha I am new to WordPress and was soooo surprised to see a follower! (didn’t know you could do that!) But I Love your Pics. I’ve always been a sucker good art. I will look forward to new pictures from you. :) xx

  11. Interesting collection of things! I look forward to seeing more. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Thanks so much for going ‘Round the bend and liking my photos from the gardens at the Bellagio in Vegas. I love how you found your blog name! I look forward to exploring more.

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my recent post. The photos you have here are stunning and amazing!! This is one of the best if not the best photography blog on the web. I am impressed and look forward to seeing more. Excellent Work!!

  14. Thank you for my like! As a new blogger and amateur photographer, I appreciated it!

  15. Hi,

    Thanks for “liking” my blog entry “We interrupt this blog…” on my “arnnarn.com” site. I hope you come back often. I look forward to reading more of yours as well.


  16. I’m loving the odd (I use that word positively) design features you find. I love nature photography, and many of the blogs I follow focus on that, but it’s nice to connect with a blogger who has an eye for good art. Your blog is fun. Keep up the great work and thanks for following my blog.

  17. Amazing photographs! Stunning site. Thanks for stopping by mine so I could find you! Can’t wait to see more.

  18. Thanks for the visit. I see we have similar interest. You have color and composition as well. Enjoy and I will follow to see what is new from your part of the world.

  19. Wonderful selection of photos. I see some are attributed to their originators. Are some of them yours? Which ones?
    Much as I love photography I just don’t seem to have ‘the eye’ for a stunning shot, of which there are so many on this blog.
    Good work.

  20. Hi Tom Kat — Thanks for visiting my latest post, “Iceland in the Rouge Valley”! Like you, I try to notice funny and strange and beautiful and odd things as I go about my day. I’m having a good time here on your blog — I love what you notice. And your photographs are wonderful.

  21. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post on the Isle of Wight! Your blog is very original, thanks for sharing all of the great photos. I love the name as well!

  22. Hello there…I noticed that you stopped-by my blog today…thank you for visiting and for letting me know you were there. I have enjoyed browsing through your site…beautiful photos…novel ideas. Thank you for sharing. Scott

  23. I love that your little dog in a picture, who is walking like floating on air is dachshund. And it float’s definitely like my little browny Mousy (dachshund). :)

  24. I have always wanted Futurist dog, and a Chevron, and living in a back water, I understand your plight! Thank you for your ” like”!

  25. Lovely site, love the inspiration picture ! My sister has a Doxi, hers is a little too rotund to float like that though!

  26. This is such a cool blog! I’ve never seen anything like it! Can’t wait to follow :)

  27. “WOW!!” was all I could say after scrolling through you wonderful site – thank you for the inspiration to smile all day long! I’m happy you two met :-D

  28. Hello. Thanks for the visit on my blog. Nice blog you have here. I like your definition of hover craft doggies – like a fluff of fur that walks on air!

  29. Great collection of the intriguing, amusing, and unusual. Had a blast touring your photo collection! Thanks for the “like” on my blog or I would never have found you!

  30. That image by Giacomo Balla has always been a favourite of mine. I love your description! I can’t wait to look around your site, particularly as I have a love of architecture. Thanks for stopping by my own blog. Groetjes!

  31. Thank you for visiting my blog. I recently finished a Digital Photography class in college and love to view photographic works by other professional photographers to give me ideas and inspiration. I have an interest in photographing buildings and architecture designs, so this site is right up my alley. I look forward to seeing more of your stunning photos.

  32. Thank you for liking my posts. I love your pictures and how unique and beautiful they are!

  33. Thanks for visiting me at jennsmidlifecrisis.wordpress.com. I really, really enjoyed looking through your blog and have told my family & friends about it. Absolutely amazing!

  34. Thanks for liking my humble blog at MayfairMum.com – I’m so glad I clicked to find out who you are! I just love so many of your posts. Thank you. I might even have to share you with my readers if that’s ok with you!

  35. I like the picture you are named after. (I forget the artist’s name.) I think of it as a precursor to those cartoons of my childhood where the characters jump in the air and whiz for a while before running off.

  36. I am glad I discovered your blog! Keep us posted on your discoveries! A fellow Athenian :)

  37. Thank you for following my blog! Hopefully you’ll continue to find it interesting :) Took a look around and wow your photos are gorgeous, especially the architecture and furniture-related ones :)

  38. Hello there,

    Thank you for liking my post “The Fantasy Wonderland”. I had a look at you blog too and it is amazing. I am following you now. All the best!!


  39. Congratulations! you have been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Vist my site and pick up the details, it is well deserved!

  40. hey guys,

    thanks for stopping by turnsofendearment and liking and good to have found your blog! I’ve lived almost 4 years in A’dam but currently lost in an island somewhere in the Aegean . .
    I’ll be keeping an eye out towards your way ;)

  41. Thank you so much for liking my recent post. Your blog is amazing. I’m following it because you are both have such a unique perspective.

  42. Thank you for following Lorain 365! I’m glad you like what you’ve seen so far :-) I’m enjoying perusing your photos and look forward to seeing more of the beauty in your world!

  43. Thanks for stopping by!

    Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash. Such a fun, truthful painting. =) I love your blog’s namesake. I’m also rather fond of the story behind your blog. I have a close friend that I call anytime I want to find something beautiful (we have a knack for this sort of venture). This blog makes me wish my camera wasn’t broken.

    Lovely work! I’ll be checking back.

  44. Thank you for connecting with me and sending me to your blog. The photos are amazing and so simply beautiful. Looking forward to seeing much more. Take care.

    1. at the moment just this and facebook as we are still newbies .. but we are hoping to expand :)
      ..glad to hear you enjoy our posts. We will try to keep inspiring.

  45. Thanks for checking out my blog. Love what you’re doing. Too many people shun beauty out of fear of drowning, without realizing the lifeline it offers. Where the danger lies, grows the saving power (Holderlin paraphrased.) Kep up the good work

  46. Thanks for liking our post! I can hardly wait to see more of what you have to offer in your blog. Awesome photography!

  47. Just looked at the doxie pic – that’s funny! we have a dachshund, a blue dapple, long-hair, and he walks funny too. And he’s really fast when he’s charging through the house all excited because hubby is home and playing with him.

  48. What a wonderful blog! So nice to “meet” the two of you and have the pleasure of perusing your site–very much the sort of stuff that floats my boat as well. Looking forward to seeing what comes next!

  49. thanks for liking my rather silly recent photo post! And for bringing me here. Looks like I will have a great time exploring!
    with love light and JOY

  50. Thanks for the like – and for allowing me to discover your blog. These are wonderful photographs and I like your whimsical titles! I hope to see more.

  51. That futurist image is one of my favorite paintings ever. I’m now sufficiently intrigued by your blog and will definitely back to fossick around in the near future!

  52. Hey there! Thanks for dropping by my blog, i certainly appreciate what you guys are up too. All things beautiful… Ill be keeping an eye out!

  53. Thank you for stopping by my recent post. I love the story behind your name :), as well as the photos and ideas here. So creative! It’s just wonderful to see what other folks see through their lens and words!

  54. Thank you for liking my post. I love the ‘hovercraftdoggy’! I never heard that before but it’s perfect! You have a beautiful blog. Some amazing images.

  55. Thanks for checking out my blog! It takes alot to click the like buttone especially when you don’t know the person from a bar of Soap(mouth)! haha. all the best!

  56. Thanks so much for liking my posts from family portraits we’ve taken. I love the collection of photos that you have created and look forward to seeing more.

    Hi from down under :)

  57. thanks for checking out my blog. I love your blog name, and the picture! My aspiration is to one day have a little dachshund buddy. TIll then, I can enjoy at yours!

    Great collaborative effort!

  58. Wow, let me add my amazement at your wonderful blog to all of the others above. Awesome pics! Thanks for stopping by, I’ll be following in future.

  59. I think your pictures are hilarious! They’re wonderful pictures just by them self, but the titles make them even better.

  60. Wow, cool…thanks for checking out Water for the soul…I’ll be back to see more of your images.

  61. hovercraftdoggy: thank you for visiting my blog and “liking” my poetry. i’ve been writing for years and this is the first time i’m sharing my work. it means a lot to have your feedback. please come back and visit again soon! your blog is a wonder and i’ll be following it as well. –lina

  62. Thanks for visiting my blog and liked it…I like your photos and designs, love to enter photography too…soon i make one! You inspire me too…keep it up!

  63. Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a footprint :-) I’m really happy you did so I could find your blog. Loving it! Great collection of photos and look forward to seeing more.

  64. Hi, i like many of the stuff you post, but wonder why you are not giving credit to the artists/designers/photographers etc. from whom you got the images? It would be the decent thing to do and it would help me to find out more about stuff I see here and like.

    1. We do credit and link most of the photos these days but often its not easy to find the original source / artist esp. if we find the images on a blog…but we do keep track of them and try to add it when we managed to find it. Though if we cant find the very original source we sometimes leave it blank until we do. If there are particular ones you would like to know more about just let us know and we will put that at the top of our list ;)

  65. Hi – I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for A Very Inspiring Blogger Award (the details are on my blog). The photos that you post are amazing and I always enjoy stopping by to take a look!

  66. Thanks for stopping by our blog and liking a post. Great blog you have here with the inspiring photos. I’ll be back for more definitely! :)

  67. The image of a lighter than air, happy pup makes me smile. Thanks for visiting my blog and the kind “like” of a recent post.

  68. A love story between 2 architects! I can very much relate! :) Love the photos on your blog. It’s a good source of inspiration when starting the day (or a new project!!!) so I subscribed. Cheers!

  69. Thank you so much for the likes! I really love what you do and I am happy you’ve stopped by my blog. Please, feel free to share your thoughts, I’d really appreciate that :).

      1. Cool! I have a different blog that you originally saw my post on. I didn’t realize my comment on here would link back to my primary blog. Here is the other address, in case you were wondering! http://sacredbeautiful.wordpress.com/ Oh, I just figured out how to update the details for this reply. Let’s see if that works!

  70. Thanks for liking my post Feathered Friday and for sharing these amazing images and your amazing descriptions on this blog. It has a unique voice and tells an invigorating story. Well done!

  71. I love the concept of your blog. Looking forward to days of art and enlightenment. :)

  72. Every good blog has a story behind its name (and you’ve got a very unique name to boot!). You’ve grasped the story behind yours, and sprinkled in a bit of magic in your description, and I commend you for that.

  73. Hello. Such a lovely blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post. I hope our paths cross again!
    Cheers, Tania

  74. I love the pictures, the little i’ve seen through perusing through your blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts and pictures.

  75. Amazing images that start a thought process in one’s mind, thanks for directing me to your blog.
    Pivot Point Photography

  76. Thankyou for checking into my blog, I hope you like what you find there. This site is awesome, I love archetecture and to see your eye for detail and the beauty of design and build is wonderful. Beautiful photography, inspiring and cheerful.

  77. Love the “floating dogs!”

    Thank you for liking my post, “Crumble And Flake, Saving The Cherokee Language And RIP Gunnar!”


  78. Thank you for the visit to LightWriters (5wise.wordpress.com) and for introducing me to your amazing blog expressionism in photos. Awesome! Blessings, S.

  79. thanks for the like – glad it brought me over your way! What an inspiring blog! Love it!

  80. Love this! My dog, Bellamy, prances like she is stepping on clouds. My other dog, T.Bear, lumbers about like Ferdinand the Bull from the old Warner Brothers cartoons. Keep showing magic!

  81. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I love the variety of pics you guys post. My dog, Abbey, is a corgi/lab mix with stubby legs that she moves at incredible speeds. She could easily be a hovercraftdoggy.

  82. I’ve just nominated you for One Lovely Blog Award! You can choose to accept or decline – have a look at my latest post for details! Just wanted to let you know how fab I think your blog is. Emily

  83. The simple reason I’ve been following this blog, is because you stumbled onto my blog, and liked a single post. I really appreciate that.

    Looking at this blog, I’m mesmerized each time by your vibrant and enthralling architecture and idiosyncratic snapshots of life.

    I have two things I would like to ask you.
    – Firstly would you mind if I included this blog into my blogroll and shared more of it with other bloggers out there?
    – Secondly, I’m interested in the share button you have at the bottom of each post. Is it part of a theme or is it a piece of code (or perhaps a widget or sorts) I could add into my own blog?

    This website is what blogging should REALLY be about!

    1. hey.
      yes of course, we would be very happy if u shared our site on ur blogroll…
      ..the share buttons are part of wordpress, so in your dashboard, under “settings/sharing” you will find the option to add these sharing buttons to any of your posts.

      warm regards

      1. Thanks man. Could you kindly edit my previous comment and take out my email address to avoid excess spam on my side? Thanks again for replying promptly ;)

  84. Thanks for reading my story on My Favorite Things. I have enjoyed checking out your blog as well. I will follow your blog and hope you will consider following my blog as well.beebeesworld

  85. You are a lovely find, thank you for visiting me. My blogging was to force me to focus on the good in my life not really to build a profile or even connect, but am loving finding beautiful blogs like yours. So thanks.

  86. Hi there, thanks for the “like” I’m honored to be included in this blog. It is super inspiring. You have a very nice eye and well curated works. Best!

  87. Thanks for the like on my post “film”. Your blog is glorious!! I look forward to further exploring it!

      1. Just reblogged one of your photos, I may be tagging you a lot… fodder for the eyes. Thanks!

  88. What an inspiring and visually exciting blog. Thank you for making contact, and for your interest in my blog. Looking forward to more wonderful images. All best wishes, Claire Booker

  89. I love the name of your website. I was sure you were from Florida in the US with the reference of hovercraft! I was so wrong!

    I was an architecture student at Virginia Tech in the USA a million years ago, but, alas, transferred to an English major.

    Thanks for reading and responding so nicely to Soliloquy. I’ve acted in a lot of community plays, and realized the transition that occurs over “ownership” of the words of a playwrite from the author to the actor.

  90. I LOVE your hovercraftdoggy! We had a black dachshund for too brief a time; Nick was always heading somewhere (usually to a nice comfy lap!). Thanks for stopping by my blog… :)

  91. Thank you for the like and support! Love your blog! I also hope to create my own online shop some day too!

  92. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the like :-) It means a lot to me given how fabulous your blog is!x

  93. Hi, thanks for the “like” on my blog. We have a playful maltese and our floor is slippery to him. When he runs is becomes a hovercraftdoggy. Nice word you made there. Love your stuff here too! Thanks for sharing.

  94. Hello fellow blogger,

    I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Andrea (http://adventurousandrea.com). Well, now, I nominate you!

    The Rules:
    1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
    2. Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
    3. Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
    4. Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to your post. Go to their page and tell them.
    5. No tag backs.

  95. Thank you for finding my blog and leading to yours. I look forward to exploring your work. You have great style. Thanks for the inspiration!

  96. Your work is always so stimulating — part of the reason that, having just received the So Sweet Blog Award, I am now offering it to you in turn. If you choose to accept, please visit my 1 October post, paste the award into your own post on the subject (and include the URL for my post), and in turn offer the award to one or more other bloggers.

  97. Hi. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and click on the Like button to my most recent blog post. Your blog is interesting and creative. Keep up the good work you’re doing here. I hope to hear back from you again soon. Cheers!

  98. Hi! Thanks for liking my post. Your, um, picture(?) is very cute. ^_^
    And, aw yes! I love architecture photography (is that right?). There is just something about, well, architecture that’s very interesting (in photos especially). Well, actually I just love photography in general, but that’s not important so I’ll stop yapping now. G’day (or night) to you :)

  99. Love what you’re doing… thanks for stopping by the N.G. Studio. How are you guys finding Society6?

  100. Thanks for visiting my blog today and liking “Withdrawn”. I do hope you’ll stop by again soon!

    You have a fabulous blog here. Very nice!

  101. Hello. I just stopped by to thank you for liking my recent post, “If Looks Could Kill.” It always gives me a lift. So, thank you. :)

  102. I just started following Hovercraftdoggy recently. Not sure that I’ve made any comments, though I consistently “like” your posts. You have a beautiful blog. It seems to reside in a place all it’s own. The tone and elegance are simply lovely. Along with everything else, the inspiration for your name is great!

    1. thank you very much for your kind words chris! :) … we really do appreciate every one of our followers and value your loyalty. We hope we can keep inspiring you for many more days to come! best wishes H.

  103. HI! I do enjoy the way little dogs walk, wish there were many little dogs that could go on several mile runs. Oh, and thanks for stoping by my blog! Look forward to more amazing photographs.

  104. Hi, I have nominated for the Inspiring Blogger Award, because I think deserve it. It is always good to give a bit of yourself. luck

  105. Last night I came home to find that a fellow blogger chose me to be one of his recipients of the 2012 Blog of the Year Award. One of the several blogger-nominate-a-blogger type awards that seem to multiply like rabbits in the blogosphere. Part of the drill is, I get to award a fellow blogger, whose blog I enjoy. Well, tag. You’re it. It will be in virtual ‘print’ tomorrow, on my 365 blog, here on WordPress. I hope you’re ok with it.

  106. You guys always have THE best pictures, and I love your mission statement (silly!) also I wanted to ask you: is there an easy way to do that blur thing on your avatar LIKEs…because I would like to do that, too. TY for any 411–and your excellent eye, too. :)

  107. Thanks for checking out my blog folks – I’ve been following you for a while and always enjoy the variety of cool images you post. Glad you are liking some of the stories I’m sharing!

  108. Great blog! I love the Columnist design and had to use it for my own blog – it’s so clean and simple! There’s some gorgeous photography here too :)

  109. Hi – thanks for liking my post about Ciara Phillips. I’m just new to this blogging lark so still trying to figure it all out. Thanks for helping me to find your blog – I love it and am now following :)

  110. I have to say the (wordpress?) theme you use is brilliant !! I’ve been thinking of changing ours and had a few ideas of trends to follow but then you are just copying others (eg the full page photo based ones) yours is unique

  111. Great account, Hover! really, you have a series of amazing blogs but I’m only read and follow your travels posts because I’m Indian travel agent.
    thanks for sharing your intelligence.

  112. Hi hovercraftdoogy! I realise you must be very busy (judging by all these comments & the amount of content you have on here!) but I found your blog because it was featured on the wordpress columnist theme which I also have – except yours is way more advanced than mine. I was just wondering if you could help an amateur blogger out and tell me how you managed to get your social media icons at the top, and how you were able to list articles under each menu heading? Any advice would be great! Thank you!

  113. Ahh thank you – but with regards to the icon, when I click on the link you gave it just displays the icons on a blank web page? Sorry I am not very good at all the technical stuff! Awesome blog by the way.

      1. Okay I think I get what you mean! So they’re just images with a hyperlink to your actual social media pages? Thanks so much for replying though!

  114. Interesting blog, some really kewl images here. Thanks for stopping by an liking my post “Ohio WInter”.

  115. I heard of you on Pinterest & am so excited by finding your blog! This year I am doing a daily blog together with a365 photo challenge I order to help me work through some significant personal upheaval (covered in my blog if you’ve an interest); I think that I’ve found a great site here for inspiration! Super excited to have found you! Happy 2014!!

  116. thanks for stopping by and the like on my recent post. You have some interesting posts on your site. I enjoyed looking through them. Best Wishes!

  117. These are fascinating posts. I very much like the way you are featuring diverse and interesting artists. Have got to follow this one! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the like on my most recent post.

  118. Thanks for the like on my poem. Great luck with your architecture! Your story sounds like a joke So an Athenian and a Berliner walk into a bar….lol. Good luck with all of your endeavors!

  119. H, thanks for the like on my blog. As a real doggy person, your blog´s name caught my interest immediately…and here I am enjoying your great blog, I´ll sure come back for more, it´s fun here ;-) Have a great weekend.

  120. Thank you for popping over to my blog TheShadesBlog and liking my post. Thank you for bringing me to yours too

  121. Wow. There’s so many beautiful photos on here I don’t know where to start. Thanks for bringing me to your site.

  122. Thanks for the like :D and now I can view your ace blog. I am pretty new to WordPress.com, tips and hints would be ace and plz stay tuned to mine as I will be adding more stories and updating.

  123. Thanks for pointing me in your direction! I especially love the “hover craft doggy” image – I have two dachshunds, so this really made me smile!

  124. I really like your pictures. A lot of people focus on one point and get really good at it, but I like how you have pictures of all sorts of things. I think that’s very creative and amazing of you. Thanks for stopping by my blog by the way, I really appreciate it.

  125. Thanks for liking my recent post. I think the name ‘hovercraftdoggy’ is excellent, and you have certainly shared some beautiful images on here too. :)

  126. Hi Hovercraftdoggy!

    This blog is so awesome and it makes me think! Thanks for sharing and please keep up the fantastic work!!! I absolutely adore the origins of the blogname <3

    With Regards, .

  127. Thank you for Liking my post….you have an interesting blog here that expresses yourself in many ways….keep exploring and sharing….Wishing you Inspiration and Peace along your Journey.

  128. I’ve only just found your site and already I know I’m in for a treat! Stunning front page says it all… beautiful indeed…

  129. Thank you so much for your like on my recent post. I love your hovercraft doggy image above and learning the reason for the name of your blog. Your images are stunning!

  130. I stumbled upon your blog on my ‘You May Like’ list and it immediately caught my attention. Loving the beautiful pictures and the wacky ones as well!

  131. Thanks for stopping by at my blog and the like on “until ‘death’ us parts … or a mini-series on worn jeans”. Just became a follower of your blog!

  132. Thanks for liking my trolleybus post on First Night History. I’m glad I’ve found you again. Once upon a time I was following you but I suspect an unfollowing occurred courtesy of a WP glitch!

  133. Thank you for liking my post! You have so much to look through and it all looks fantastic…I’m eager for my explorations!

  134. Thank you so very much for the “like” of my recent guest post, entitled “Paradox of Chartres Cathedral,” at First Night History. As you may know, I am working on a book-blog which can be seen at [one word] theoryofirony.com, then clicking on either the “sample chapter” or “blog” buttons at the top. Now, on Facebook as well. My Rube Goldberg brain asks with an odd, well-caffeinated kind of logic: Why is there an inverse proportion between the size of the print and the importance of the message? Politics. Science. Commerce. Art. Literature. Military. Religion. I call this eccentric thinking the Theory of Irony and if your busy schedule permits, give a read, leave a comment or create a blogroll link. In any event, best of luck with your own endeavor.

    P.S. It concerns Classical, Medieval and Modern eras.

  135. The doggy does make one smile!! Very cute! I look forward to exploring your blog and thank you for visiting mine too!

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