3D tape drawing explodes sculpture installation walls column gallery black duck tape art artist

We tape things together

Monika Grzymala’s 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone Monika Grzymala’s 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone Monika Grzymala’s 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone 3D tape drawing explodes sculpture installation walls column gallery black duck tape art artist 3D tape drawing explodes sculpture installation walls column gallery black duck tape art artist 3D tape drawing explodes sculpture installation walls column gallery black duck tape art artist 3D tape drawing explodes sculpture installation walls column gallery black duck tape art artist

‘Raumzeichnung‘ / ‘Drawing of a Room’ – an explosive three dimensional installation using black tape by Polish artist Monika Grzymala  The sculpture was installed at Galerie Crone in 2012 and required 3.1 miles / 5km of tape.

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